they want you to forget.
they want you to think he disappeared willingly.
but i was there. june 5. suite 312. harrison finch walked into that room and never walked out. i've read the reports, the blood, the chemicals, the UNIDENTIFIED everything. you think that’s true? you think things just happen like that?
you know it doesn't. finch was digging. digging into places they don’t want you to know about. rhodes & clark has a dark ops secret section. you won’t find them anywhere officacially. you won’t find their offices. but they’re there. in the walls. in the wires. they wathc in the static.
directive 17. SULFUR.
i shouldn’t have the document. i shouldn’t have seen it. but i did. and now they’re in my head. “neurological recalibration” “synthetic compliance triggers” all tools to remake people. to unmake them.
suite 312 was a machine. finch walked into that machine. and the machine ate him.
you think i’m crazy? F you. that’s what they want. that’s why they create their own chemicals. that’s why the blood was just enough to make you wonder, not enough to prove. that’s why the cameras were dead. always dead. they need you to think ppl like me are dangerous.
finch is still in the room. in the walls. in the code they’re pumping into the air.
they’re coming for me next. they are going to frame me with a drugs planted by my gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death.
someone MUST continue my work. look at the hotel. look at the dates. look at the patterns. SULFUR is a protocol. a system. and you can STOP it.
you’ll call this a rant. you’ll say i’m paranoid. but you’ll come back. you’ll read it again. because you feel it too.
the hum. the itch. the truth.
AVENGE ME.............